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If you are looking for an answer to your question on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or reproductive and sexual health issues, ASHA has the answers. Our panel of experts – including physicians, nurse practitioners, and other professionals with experience across a range of medical and health specialties – will provide answers and insight a wide range of STI and sexual health topics.
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Questions and Expert Answers
Is there a connection between masturbation and condom use?
I read a study that says that boys who masturbate are also more likely to use condoms. Why would there be such a connection? And really, doesn’t everyone masturbate?
Does bacterial vaginosis make you more likely to get other STIs?
I read that bacterial vaginosis can increase a woman’s susceptibility to other STIs. I don’t understand this–what does that mean?
Is it possible for the herpes simplex I virus to turn into the herpes simplex II virus?
Can HSV I Turn into HSV II? What about false positive results?
I’m attracted to boobs but not girls. Does that mean I’m a lesbian?
I am a girl and I look up pictures of boobs and videos of lesbians sometimes. I am somehow attracted to boobs, although I never feel attracted to girls. Does that mean I am a lesbian?
Can I treat genital warts by myself?
I’ve had genital warts for about a year, and have made several trips to a clinic for treatment with cryotherapy. The treatment was little more than the nurse zapping the warts with the spray. Could I buy one of these units and just do it myself?
Can herpes live on surfaces?
I read that the herpes virus does not last very long outside the body. I’m sending you two studies I found online that suggest HSV can live for two hours at room temperature. Which information is correct?
Could I have gotten herpes from oral sex?
I was in a serious relationship for two years with this guy but out of anger I let another guy perform oral sex on me. I’m starting to think I have herpes because my vagina has been very irritated and red and maybe a little swollen.
Will a urine test pick up chlamydia in the anus or rectum?
I am a 23-year old woman, one steady partner now but a couple of other sexual partners in the last year or so. I had a urine test for chlamydia that was negative, but I’ve had anal sex, too. Would the test I had also pick up on chlamydia in the anus or rectum?
I had an abnormal Pap, did I give my boyfriend HPV?
I had my Pap test a month ago and just received a letter saying my Pap test is unclear. I’m scared because the night before I got the letter, my boyfriend and I had sex. Now I’m freaking out that I’ve given him HPV.
I feel trapped in an abusive relationship, what can I do?
I’m gay and I feel trapped in an abusive relationship with another man. I don’t feel like I can talk to my friends at all, and I am afraid to report my partner. What should I do?
How can I deal with premature ejaculation?
I am an 18 year old male. Every time I lay with my girlfriend and hold her I get an erection and prematurely ejaculate. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? Is there something wrong with me?
I’m a guy, why do I need the HPV vaccine?
I’m a 15 year old guy and my doctor said she thinks I should get the HPV vaccine. Is the vaccine safe? And why do guys need a vaccine to protect them against a disease that affects females?
I’m a young man, so why can’t I keep an erection?
I’m a 22-year-old guy, and I feel really embarrassed. I can’t get a hard on, or if I get one it goes away before I come. I feel like this shouldn’t be happening to me since I am so young.
What is foreplay?
What is foreplay? “Foreplay” is generally defined as any sexual or romantic activity that prepares someone for intercourse.
Why did I need two types of STI tests?
My doctor tested me for trich by taking a swab from my vagina, and then tested my urine for chlamydia. I don’t understand why I needed two types of STI tests.
How long can a person have trichomoniasis?
How long can a person have trichomoniasis and carry it? Could it have been passed on almost three months with only light symptoms?
Somebody I was with told me he has chlamydia —do I need to get tested?
Somebody I was with told me he has chlamydia and that his clinic said I should be tested. I don’t have any symptoms. Do I really need to get tested?
Can HIV be transmitted by fingering?
I know this is probably stupid but, I was fingering someone last Saturday night and I had a hangnail on my finger. Could I have gotten HIV?