My mom has a new boyfriend I don’t like. What can I do to get okay with this?

My mom has a new boyfriend and I don’t like it. She’s dated some guys since she and my dad split up but she might get serious with this one. What can I do to get okay with this?
Got questions about STIs and sexual health? Ask an expert.

ask an Expert If you are looking for an answer to your question on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or reproductive and sexual health issues, ASHA has the answers. Our panel of experts – including physicians, nurse practitioners, and other professionals with experience across a range of medical and health specialties – will provide answers and […]
Resources for Parents

Answer: Answer is a national organization dedicated to providing and promoting comprehensive sexuality education to young people and the adults who teach them. Advocates for Youth, Parents Sex Ed Center: Information and resources to begin talking with your children about sex. Includes sections on Growth and Development, Getting Started: Helping Parents and Children Talk, Other […]
Ask the expert: Could I have an STI? Is this herpes?

Trying to figure out what symptoms mean can really make people nervous, because some of the symptoms of herpes and other STIs seem the same. This makes it all the more important that you visit a health care provider if you think you have an STI.
Pelvic inflammatory disease

PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of the female reproductive system. PID is usually caused when another STI—such as chlamydia or gonorrhea—is left untreated. If you have one of these two infections and don’t do anything to get rid of them, you are much more likely to […]